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Application Note

Are You Using the Best Water for Your Ion Chromatography?

Drinking water testing by ion chromatography using ultrapure water

Drinking water is the most essential beverage for our health, therefore its quality is strictly regulated.1,2 Inorganic ions in water can be detrimental to health, while other ions may influence water’s organoleptic properties.

Ion chromatography (IC) is a common analytical technique to test water samples for contaminants. Purified water is used in multiple steps of the IC workflow. For example, to prepare samples, standards and blanks, as well as for water-based eluents. Water is therefore a key reagent and should be of the highest quality to obtain accurate and reliable IC results.

Download this application note now to learn more about the suitability of ultrapure water for the IC analyses of inorganic ions and DBPs in drinking water. 

Drinking water testing by ion chromatography using ultrapure water

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