Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business

Interested in writing for Lab Manager?

 Lab Manager’s editors welcome contributions of high-quality, educational articles to share with our audience. Before pitching us an idea, please see our contributor guidelines below: 

Contributed articles

Contributed content must fall within one of Lab Manager’s coverage categories and be relevant for our readers. Lab Manager’s readership is diverse and represents a wide variety of lab types and sizes. We encourage readers to provide action items, tips, strategies, or insightful “food for thought” for readers to implement in their labs.

Pitching an article idea to Lab Manager’s editors:

Please send a detailed article abstract or outline to Lauren Everett, managing editor, at:, including a brief author bio.

*If an article pitch is accepted for review, it does not guarantee that the article draft will be published. All contributed content must meet Lab Manager’s editorial style and standards. Expect that an article may need to go through multiple rounds of editing/revisions to meet our standards.

To be considered for publication, an article needs to meet the following guidelines:

  • For online publication, word count can range from 800-1400 words. For print publication, word count is 1200-1400, unless otherwise stated
  • US English should be used (preferably in Chicago Manual of Style)
  • High-resolution images can also be submitted (optional). Please provide captions and credit for any submitted images
  • Articles must be non-commercial. Any company and/or product mentions or promotional content of any kind will not be accepted
  • Articles must be original and exclusive to Lab Manager, meaning they aren’t published elsewhere. Plagiarism of any kind will not be permitted. Articles should be written by the writer without the use of AI software
  • No backlinks to external pages (other than important references) will be included. Please reference authentic and reliable sources when necessary. Examples include peer-reviewed journals or impartial news outlets. References may be hyperlinked, placed at the end of the article in a numbered list, or a combination of these methods. Please use AMA format for reference lists
  • Author should include a brief bio including their title and email address.