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Are You Using the Correct Chromatography Sample Prep Protocols?

When to avoid direct injection and prepare samples thoroughly

Liquid chromatography (LC) plays a vital role in various sciences as a technique used to separate and detect the chemical components of substances for analytic interest. LC can take a sample mixture and quantifiably separate, identify, characterize, and determine the presence or absence of its individual components. LC is often mentioned together with mass spectrometry (MS) as LC-MS, combining their features together in one technique involving the physical separation of target compounds or analytes within a test sample and followed by their mass-based detection. 

LC-MS is an integral technology in modern analytical chemistry labs. Proper sample preparation for LC-MS is facilitated using nitrogen evaporators that are available in several variations tailored to match a lab’s specific needs. Combining LC-MS technology with proper sample preparation can go a long way in ensuring the efficient characterization of your samples.

Download the article now to learn more about direct injection and its alternatives, and how these processes can improve your lab’s LC-MS sample prep. 

learn more about direct injection and its alternatives, and how these processes can improve your lab’s LC-MS sample prep

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