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Application Note

Improve Your Neural Outgrowth Analysis Workflow

Analysis in 3D human brain micro-tissues for compound screening applications

Organotypic, three-dimensional (3D) cultures resemble native 3D tissue architecture and are believed to be more representative of real tissues compared to their 2D (monolayer) counterparts, thus providing higher in vivo relevance. Brain organoids attract a lot of interest due to their physiological relevance in the study of neurological development and disease. However, while they show great promise, brain organoids tend to be difficult to grow, and demonstrate variable shape, size, neural network density, and light transmissibility, thus rendering many unsuitable for high-throughput screening. Some of this variability can be attributed to extended maturation times, and the batch-to-batch variability of commonly used extracellular matrix (ECM) mimetics.

In this application note, you’ll learn about the benefits of micro-tissues, which include: 

Improve Your Neural Outgrowth Analysis Workflow
  • Creating robust image analysis of complex structures using built-in neurite analysis modules
  • Tailoring analysis algorithms and improving downstream results with an easy-to-use and flexible custom module editor
  • Implementing RealBrain constructs with optical clarity that is suited for high-content imaging applications 
  • Using IXM high-content imaging system to acquire 3D images in a high-throughput approach

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