Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business

How it Works

Improving Operational Excellence and Time to Market with Unified Lab Management

The BIOVIA Unified Lab Management solution provides ease in exchange of more consistent data, improving collaboration, innovation, and decision making.

The BIOVIA Unified Lab Management solution provides ease in exchange of more consistent data, improving collaboration, innovation, and decision making.


Q: Are disparate applications and systems jeopardizing your lab’s success?

The increasing externalization of operations by life sciences companies can result in a lack of standardization and communication between systems and across roles in the lab. This, in addition to the legacy of paper-based data collection, can result in disconnects and opportunities for error that increase risks to a study’s success. With a continuously increasing amount of data being generated across enterprises, an absence of consistent data and information exchange between research, development, QA/QC, supply management, and external collaborators can cause delays, errors, and siloed workflows.

A:The BIOVIA Unified Lab Management solution fully integrates across systems and instruments and builds the basis for seamless data transfer between domains.

The comprehensive software offering is a collection of standardized solutions built on a single unifying technology foundation providing unique, role-based user experiences for the lab. By relying on data-driven processes, labs are able to design, develop, characterize, and release products more effectively and at reduced costs. The implementation of electronic execution of analytic methods and electronic lab notebooks eliminates paper-based data collection and provides real time cross-domain access to standardized data, improving compliance with procedures and policies supporting regulatory and quality initiatives. The BIOVIA Unified Lab Management solution provides ease in exchange of more consistent data, improving collaboration, innovation, and decision making.

To learn more about BIOVIA Unified Lab Management, visit the BIOVIA Lab Knowledge Center and download The Digital Lab White Paper