Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business

How it Works

Integrated Workflow to Ensure Data Durability

Securing your lab’s data through the full, mandated retention period

A bearded man and blonde woman look at a computer screen

Waters Empower Lab Management System (LMS) enables you to manage your data—from sample to data archival—all from a single, simple dashboard for an integrated approach to your product lifecycle management.

Waters Corporation

Q: Will your data survive the retention period and still be accurate and complete?

Every organization looks to ensure the durability of  their most critical asset—their data. Daily backups and storage, data integrity, archiving, and disaster recovery planning are key elements that can impact your data durability. It takes time, money, and resources to generate laboratory data, so any loss of data is a direct financial loss to your company and a significant compliance risk. Data must be secured and available through the full duration of  the mandated retention period. While outside help can be sought, the overall responsibility for the regulated data remains with the regulated company.

A:With Waters Empower Laboratory Management System (LMS) you have the power to elevate your workflow by securing, storing, and accessing your critical data in one solution.

Empower LMS goes beyond a traditional chromatographic data management system. It enables you to manage your laboratory workflow from initial sample creation to final data archival. Reduce errors and increase productivity by streamlining management of your lab workflow in single system and increase compliance and data integrity with a single repository for all reports. Automatically capture your Empower data, secure it, archive it, and easily access it whenever you need it, all in a single, integrated interface. Empower LMS delivers elevated control and confidence in your lab’s data.

Manage your data in a single, user-friendly dashboard

Waters Empower Lab Manage-ment System (LMS) enables you to manage your data—from sample to data archival—all from a single, simple dashboard for an integrated approach to your product lifecycle management.