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Lab Health and Safety

Quick Tips from Linda: Preventing Burnout

Quick Tips from Linda: Preventing Burnout

Burnout has a variety of negative outcomes, including causing employees to seek new job opportunities elsewhere, or resulting in safety accidents in the lab

Lab Manager

Did You Know:

According to a 2019 Gallup study of about 7,500 full-time employees, 23 percent reported feeling “burnout” at work very often or always, while another 44 percent reported feeling burned out some of the time. Burnout typically occurs after a prolonged period of stress or frustration, and employees experiencing this often feel they have exhausted their physical or emotional strength to meet deadlines or struggle to finish their extensive workload.

Burnout has a variety of negative outcomes, including causing employees to seek new job opportunities elsewhere, or resulting in safety accidents in the lab. How can you ensure high productivity from your staff without causing burnout?

Instead of asking people to work more, managers should encourage their team members to work more mindfully. This means taking the time to think about the best way to approach a task: are you the right person to tackle this particular challenge? Are you in the right frame of mind? Can you work on this on your own or do you need someone’s help? Is the timeframe realistic? It may seem like a waste of time, but asking these questions saves time in the long term.

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