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Leadership and Staffing

Quick Tips from Linda: Recruiting Candidates Remotely

Quick Tips from Linda: Recruiting Candidates Remotely

With hiring going virtual at many companies, Linda the lab manager shares her tips for attracting the best talent to your lab with a solid remote onboarding process

Lab Manager

Did You Know:

According to a 2018 survey conducted by Jobvite, a recruiting software provider, about 30 percent of respondents leave a new job within the first 90 days of starting. Some of the top reasons for their quick departures after being hired included: the day-to-day role wasn’t what they expected (43 percent); and they were unsatisfied with company culture (32 percent).

These statistics drive home the importance of a transparent hiring process, and an engaging onboarding experience. However, the interviewing process has become more complex of late; you may find your organization using more video interviews or going through most of this process virtually. To make up for the benefits of face-to-face interaction, put in extra effort to build trust with candidates, and ensure consistency is kept across your entire team of hiring managers. This will prevent you from losing great talent by having vast differences in how the candidate connects with you and your team.

It is also important to make sure anyone who will communicate with candidates is properly trained on the tools you are using for virtual interviews. Something as minor as technical difficulties or faulty audio can contribute to a poor first impression. Providing an exceptional virtual candidate experience will be a differentiator for your company and leave candidates eager to receive an offer from you.

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