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Scale-Up with Corning HYPER Technology

Grow large quantities of adherent cells in a compact space with a substantial increase in cell growth surface compared to traditional vessels of comparable cubic footprint

High Yield PERformance (HYPER) technology 

Higher total cell yields than vessels with similar spatial footprints. The cell production technology uses a unique ultra-thin gas-permeable film to eliminate the air gap within the vessel.

Performance comparison with traditional vessels

Similar cell morphology, phenotype, and growth compared to traditional vessels.

Closed system design 

Closed system design ideal for large scale cells, protein therapeutics, vaccine, and virus production (HYPERStack).

Diverse research applications

Vessels with Corning’s HYPER technology are available for research applications (Corning HYPERFlask® cell culture vessel) and biopharmaceutical production (Corning HYPERStack® cell culture vessel).

To learn more, visit:

Images of the Corning HYPERStack and HYPERFlask

Corning HYPERStack® cell culture vessel (left) and HYPERFlask® cell culture vessel (right)

Corning HYPER technology enables the growth of large quantities of adherent cells in a compact space with an increase in cell growth surface compared to vessels with similar cubic footprint.

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Corning Life Sciences

Corning Life Sciences

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Building 300, Suite 2401
Tewksbury, Massachusetts
USA 01876