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White icons on gray background depicting different elements of cannabis, such as medicinal uses, scientific research

5-Part Series

Published Jan 27, 2023

The Case for Cannabis

Cannabis has historically been vastly understudied, and only now are researchers beginning to discover the plant’s potential. This five-part series, updated in January 2023, shares some of the latest development in cannabis research and testing, and what the current regulatory landscape looks like in the US.

The Case for Cannabis

The Case for Cannabis

Cannabis has historically been vastly understudied, and only now are researchers beginning to discover the plant’s potential. This five-part series, updated in January 2023, shares some of the latest development in cannabis research and testing, and what the current regulatory landscape looks like in the US.

Cannabis has historically been vastly understudied, and only now are researchers beginning to discover the plant’s potential. This five-part series, updated in January 2023, shares some of the latest development in cannabis research and testing, and what the current regulatory landscape looks like in the US.