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Why LEDs Are Changing the Face of Fluorescence Microscopy

Lower costs, greater uniformity, finer control, and environmental sustainability

Any microscopy lab is familiar with the angst that comes with mercury lamps for widefield fluorescence. Long boot up times, high energy consumption, short lifespan, wait times between power cycles, the patience required to train new users. Metal halide lamps offer a marginal improvement but carry the same challenges.

It’s perhaps unsurprising that LED lighting alternatives quickly gained a foothold in microscopy despite having relatively few applications due to early technical limitations. Rapid advances over the last decade have had an enormous impact on the technological landscape, resulting in a steadily increasing userbase across many applications. The factors underlying its success and rapid adoption include impressive performance capabilities, low running cost, improved uniformity across space and time, improved control, and far greater environmental sustainability.

Download this article now to learn more about how LEDs can improve your lab’s workflow. 

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